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Reasons To Consider a Cold Destination for Your Destination Wedding

Ritz Carlton Beaver Creek
Ritz Carlton Beaver Creek

Ok.. inspiration for blogs comes in many forms. .today from really loving winter gear! 

If you follow my blog you know my preference for weddings is a tropical destination..

Why? Purely my love of warm tropical destinations.  Personally for me  I would rather be somewhere warm, but for a while I have been rethinking the beauty of winter weddings especially if you do not live in a cold climate as do I and really detest the cold and snow as do I … ok I know why am I here?? another day…

So for those of you like me not sure that you see yourself wanting to get married in a cold destination…. which I  may be changing your mind just by virtue of the image of the Ritz Carlton Beaver Creek in all of its glory above!  For those not sold by one image alone.. must see winter eye candy is below including some ideas for the bridal party etc..

Have had so much fun thinking about this I think I will devote another post to a cold destination resort tomorrow stay tuned, for now enjoy!

Ruffled Wool Scarf

Trucks and Pearls Shop, sells this scarf we love it! The scarf is so cute for a winter destination wedding!   Think that it would look so cute with a wedding gown tres chic.   The ruffles really frame your face the long length well just imagine the photos ops!  Love the scarfs so much that I would also get them for all of the women in the bridal party.. if your budget allows why not give one to each female wedding guest?  Could give the guys something more befitting a guy like the hooded cowl neck scarf also at the Trucks and Pearls Shop.

Hooded Cowl Scarf

These brownie pops are adorable and would look great left in a guests room as part of their welcome gift and also would look fab as part of the table decor for your rehersal dinner or even your reception.

Snow Flake Brownie Ball Pops
In my opinion this last item is the best.. a snow ball maker for your guests.. if you have not lived in or visited a cold destination and had the chance to have a snow ball fight or make a snow man you can not imagine the fun you have missed… so I would be sure that each guest has their own snow ball maker… a great memory maker for your winter themed destination wedding.